Références des dons, objets, et aptitudes alternatives:
DONSBattle Jump(Orient Inaccessible):Citer :
You can execute a charge by simply dropping from a height of at least 5 feet above your opponent. For example, a ledge 10 feet above the floor of a cavern would suffice for jumping on a Medium-sized creature, while a ledge 15 feet high is required for a jumping on a Large creature.
You can't jump from more than 30 feet above your opponent, nor can you effectively battle jump while under the influence of a fly or levitate spell or effect, as you have to hurl yourself down on your foe.
If you hit, you can choose either to deal double damage with a melee weapon or natural attack or to attempt a trip attack. You are treated as one size category larger than normal if you try to trip your opponent with the battle jump. After you attack, you take falling damage as normal for the distance you jumped. You are entitled to a Jump check (DC 15) to take less damage, as if you had fallen 10 feet less than you actually did.
If you fail this Jump check, you fall prone 5 feet from your opponent. You can also use Battle Jump to begin a grapple attempt instead of making a normal attack. If you do, you are treated as one size category larger than normal for the first grapple check following the battle jump.
Darkstalker (Lord of Madness)Citer :
When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can fl ank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.
Creatures with these senses do not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice other creatures within range. Creatures with all-around vision can't be flanked.
Flying Kick(Complete Warrior)Citer :
When fighting unarmed and using the charge action, you deal an extra 1d12 points of damage with your unarmed attack.
Science du combat à mains nues supérieur(Tome of Battle)Citer :
If you are a monk, you instead deal unarmed damage as a monk four levels higher.
Attaque sautée(Codex Aventureux)Citer :
Le personnage peut sauter dans le cadre d’une charge visant un adversaire. S’il parcourt une distance horizontale d’au moins 3 mètres de saut et que son bond l’amène dans une case qui lui permet de contrôler l’espace de sa cible, les dégâts supplémentaires octroyés par le don Attaque en puissance augmentent de +100%.
Cette attaque suit par ailleurs les règles auxquelles obéissent normalement la compétence Saut et la charge, si ce n’est que toutes les cases de terrain difficile par-dessus lesquelles saute le personnage sont ignorées.
APTITUDES ALTERNATIVES.Fighting Styles (Arcanes Exhumées)Citer :
Class Features
A 1st-level monk (regardless of character level) may select one of the fighting styles described below. By selecting one of these fighting styles, she dictates which bonus feats she gains at 1st, 2nd, and 6th level (when a monk normally gains one of two bonus feats, as given in the Player's Handbook). In addition, at 1st level she gets a +2 bonus on checks involving a skill of her selection (in exchange for the freedom of choice she gives up by preselecting her bonus feats). Finally, she gains a bonus ability at 6th level if she has met the listed prerequisites by that time. If the character hasn't yet met the prerequisites, she doesn't gain the bonus ability, even if she meets the prerequisites at some later time.
Overwhelming Attack
A monk trained in the Overwhelming Attack style always presses the advantage, preferring a showy display of all-out offense to any form of defense.
1st-Level Skill Bonus: Intimidate.
1st-Level Feat: Power Attack.
2nd-Level Feat: Improved Bull Rush.
6th-Level Feat: Improved Overrun.
6th-Level Bonus Ability: If you have used Intimidate to demoralize your opponent at any time within the previous 10 rounds, you gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks made to bull rush or overrun that opponent. Prerequisites: Intimidate 4 ranks, Perform (dance) 4 ranks.
Invisible Fist(Exemplar of Evil)
Citer :
Level: 2nd.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain the evasion ability, nor do you gain improved evasion at 9th level.
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can become invisible for 1 round. You must wait 3 rounds before you can use this ability again.
At 9th level, as an immediate action, you can use blink, as the spell, for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). You must wait 3 rounds before you can use this ability again.
Invisible fist is a supernatural ability.
Holy Strike(Complete Champion)Citer :
Level: 4th.
Replaces: This benefit replaces the ki strike (magic) class feature.
Benefit: When you hit an evil creature with your unarmed strike attack or with a monk melee weapon, your attack is considered good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and deals an extra ld6 points of damage. Holy strike is a supernatural ability.
Special: Evil monks can select this ability, but their attacks are considered evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Objets.Collier d'armes naturelles(Guide des Personnage Monstrueux)Citer :
Les bonus d'altérations conférés par ce collier s'appliquent aux jets d'attaque et de dégâts correspondants à une ou plusieurs armes naturelles du porteur. De plus n'importe quelle propriété spéciale d'arme peut être appliquée à ce collier, et se reporte donc sur ces armes naturelles.
Ainsi un collier d'armes naturelles +1 Boomerang et de lancer confère son bonus d'altération et les propriétés spéciales boomerang et de lancer a une ou plusieurs armes naturelles de son porteur.
Niveau de lanceur de sorts: 3. Conditions: Creations d'objets merveilleux, Creations d'armes et armures magiques. Prix de vente: 600 PO.
Auxquelles s'ajoute le prix correspondant au bonus d'altération, multipliée par le nombre d'armes naturelles affectées. Un collier d'armes naturelles +1 qui agit sur une arme naturelle coute 2600 PO. le même collier affectant six armes naturelles coute 15600 PO.
Bracelets d'armure(Guide du Maitre)Citer :
Ces bracelets ont manifestement pour fonction de protéger les poignets ou les avant-bras, selon les modèles (certains sont plus larges que d’autres). En réalité, ils entourent leur utilisateur d’un champ de force invisible, mais tangible, qui lui confère un bonus d’armure variant de +1 à +8, comme s’il portait une véritable armure. Il faut porter les deux bracelets pour que l’enchantement fasse effet.
Invocation modérée ; NLS 7 ; Création d’objets merveilleux, armure de mage, niveau de lanceur de sorts au moins égal à deux fois le bonus des bracelets ; Prix 1 000 po (+1), 4 000 po (+2 ), 9 000 po (+3 ), 16 000 po (+4 ), 25 000 po (+5 ), 36 000 po (+6 ), 49 000 po (+7 ) ou 64 000 po (+8 ) ; Poids 500 g.
Sandals of the Tiger's Leap(Swords and Fists)Citer :
These sandals allow the wearer to make devastating flying kicks. The wearer must have 5 ranks of Jump or Tumble to use them. On a charge, she can perform a flying kick. Treat this as unarmed attacks that deals double damage.