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 Sujet du message : Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 27 Mai 2020, 19:54 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Voulez-vous apprendre l'anglais ? :yes: Vous souhaitez faire un échange linguistique ? :yes: Fantastique!

Pour les gens qui ne me connaissent pas, je suis un anglophone qui est ici pour pratiquer le français tout en s'amusant avec le jeu de rôle. Vous pouvez voir les progrès de deux mois ici (grâce à l’aide (et aux corrections) de Souricette).

Comment pouvons-nous le faire ? Comme pour les jeux de rôle, il existe plusieurs façons :
Chaotique Mauvais Neutre Mauvais Loyal Mauvais
Comme un farce, je vous apprends que le poivre est « salt » et le sel est « pepper », et par vengeance, vous m’apprenez que « tomatoes » sont les habaneros, et que « habaneros » sont les tomates. Nous nous rencontrons, passons une heure à nous disputer pour savoir quelle langue est supérieure. Vous dites Molière, je dis Shakespeare ... puis vous dites Manau et je dis Tupac, et je gagne. Nous utilisons nos compétences linguistiques désormais supérieures pour conquérir le monde.
► Afficher spoiler
Chaotique Neutre Neutre Loyal Neutre
Nous nous rencontrons, parlons de JdR et memes, 5% français, 5% anglais, 90% « fringlish » Nous nous rencontrons une ou deux heures par semaine, parlons 50% anglais, 50% français, très décontracté 12 h 00 - 12 h 30, anglais: vous avez des devoirs à lire et je vous corrige ; 12 h 30 - 1 h 00, français : j’ai des devoirs que je n’ai pas fait, et vous me grondez
Chaotique Bon Neutre Bon Loyal Bon
Nous nous rencontrons, je suis le MJ dans un univers anglais, et vous êtes le héros. Ensuite, nous changeons de rôles et de langues, et nous profitons de deux campagnes largement improvisées et centrées sur la langue que nous souhaitons apprendre. Plutôt comme « chaotique bon », mais nous prenons des notes et préparons nos sessions hebdomadaires ; au moment où nos personnages arriveront au niveau 20, nous parlerons parfaitement français et anglais Plutôt comme « neutre bon » mais nous écrivons également un scénario professionnel complet pour l’échange linguistique par jeu de rôle … qui se vendra bien, les bénéfices de ceux-ci peuvent être utilisés pour acheter des dés, des miniatures et des livres de règles.
Moi je préfère toutes les options non-mauvaises :ange:

Nous rencontrons sur Skype ou Zoom etc. Mes 6h00 à 7h00 sont les meilleures, à cause de mes jeunes enfants qui dorment jusqu'à 7h00. Il est 12h00 - 13h00 en France. D'autres heures de la journée sont possibles. Pourquoi pas ? En fait, j'ai un test fin juin de maîtrise du français et je dois améliorer mon expression orale.
ImageSi vous êtes intéressé ou avez des questions, répondez ici ou par MP. Image
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 27 Mai 2020, 21:09 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Avr 2020
Message(s) : 985
Localisation : Grenoble
Je serais assez intéressé. J'essaye de te donner une réponse dans la semaine (qui risque de dépendre pas mal du maintient ou non du Bac de français, ainsi que du retour ou non à l'école).

J'opterais bien pour l'option loyale mauvaise. :pacte:

Plus sérieusement, l'option neutre bonne me semble intéressante. :D (Juste un petit commentaire par rapport à la "loyale bonne", tu as déjà essayé d'écrire entièrement un scénario dans un format tels que ceux qu'on retrouve dans le milieu commercial... Non, parce que pour avoir essayé/être en train, c'est pas rien...).

Par curiosité, le test, c'est dans quel cadre ?
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 27 Mai 2020, 21:54 
Hors-ligne Administrateur
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 33354
Localisation : Limousin
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 27 Mai 2020, 23:08 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Titou a écrit :
.tu as déjà essayé d'écrire entièrement un scénario dans un format tels que ceux qu'on retrouve dans le milieu commercial... Non, parce que pour avoir essayé/être en train, c'est pas rien...).

Non, pas encore. C'était à moitié blague, à moitié inspirant :biere: ...
Titou a écrit :
Par curiosité, le test, c'est dans quel cadre ?

Je suis déjà professeur de lycée, de mathématiques et d'anglais, mais si je pouvais enseigner le français, ce serait mieux. Tout d'abord, un test, en puis une cours pendant l'été.

Titou a écrit :
J'opterais bien pour l'option loyale mauvaise

It's called role play. You can try something different now and then, you know ;) je rigole. Svenir puis toi même sont tous LM! (Moi je suis toujours chaotique bon... ).

Send me a message, Titou!
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 27 Mai 2020, 23:35 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Avr 2020
Message(s) : 985
Localisation : Grenoble
Je joue très rarement des persos mauvais... D'habitude je joue juste des persos pénibles...

L'anglais au canada, c'est bien un cour de littérature, c'est ça ? Un prof de math qui enseigne Shakespeare... Trop classe...

I will te send un message when I will savoir if my bac de French will avoir lieu. Finalement, l'option franglais... ;)
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 28 Mai 2020, 09:21 
Hors-ligne Administrateur
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 33354
Localisation : Limousin
ouch !
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 28 Mai 2020, 09:37 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Pour les âmes délicates qui sont gênées par l'anglais:


Titou, nice fringlish.

Ewylana is interested also. I was up just now, with insomnia that you only get from a new idea, thinking of a campaign setting that could be used for language exchange RPG. Keep in mind, these are very fresh ideas to me, so there's only broad strokes below, and lots of time to make adjustments, or even move forward with something different. And if you are busy with school, hey, Ewy and I might use a world like this anyway, so let's "run with the ball" a bit.

(I'm going to use "" around idiomatic expressions you may or may not know - I don't normally do this. I hope that makes it easier for you to search or Google it up!)

The Perpetual Front / Le front perpétuel
► Afficher spoiler
Imagine two nations, as powerful as they are stubborn, "horns locked" across miles of no man's land: a strip of densely populated wasteland that carves across the map like a meandering river.

A generation ago, two proud armies clashed in epic battles and bloody skirmishes, contorting the front into serpentine lines. But for every gain, a loss, with no side capable of decisive victory. As armies entrench, tents turn into hastily timbered habitats, crowding against one another along miles of ramshackle slums. Forests melt under axes from both sides and become fortifications, opening new land in need of defense.

Across huge swaths of ecological disaster, the Perpetual Front takes shape.

(OPTIONS: high / low / no magic... human / monsters / Lovecraftian horrors ... Set it in Faerun and make it easy :-P ... steampunk ... historical / fantastic ... )

RULES: Probably a given that you, Ewy and I would use the DnD 5e ruleset, right? KISS principle (Keep it Simple, Stupid!)


"Fish out of water" linguistically, our PCs have "crossed the lines" and now must struggle to learn the language of their cultural enemies in order to achieve their goals.

(really the rest is details... 27 point buy, 4d6 drop 1, humans or drow elves or ithilids... )

Possible hooks / starts :
  1. Prisoners
  2. Spies
  3. Squires that lost their way
  4. Charlatans looking for easy profit
  5. Romeos looking for forbidden Juliets
  6. You get the idea, there's lots of "low hanging fruit" here


XP is not a thing. Instead we use milestone leveling. As players, we set LINGUISTIC GOALS that are keyed to PC GOALS (by the DM and player working together). When the player meets their linguistic goal ("I want to know how to talk about food at a restaurant" or "I want to know how to tell someone to go fuck themselves in the ear"), their PC is ready to achieve their personal goal, and then the PC levels up.

The DM provides roleplay situations that give the PC a chance to practice their goals.

By the time we are level 20, we will have improved our respective language skills by 19 goals. COOL!


We each spend half our time being DM and PC each session. Thus, we will have two parallel PC storylines going on on opposite sides of the front.

As Dungeon Masters, we play the sprawling armies and many NPCs in our respective native languages. We strive to create NPCs that use the language the other player is trying to learn. We have fun with it and flex our RP muscles.

Uh... I could go on, but I think I'll breathe, sleep and let you or others respond now.

NB: si il y a des gens qui sont intéressés par les options « neutre », ça m’intéresse aussi.
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 28 Mai 2020, 11:40 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Avr 2020
Message(s) : 985
Localisation : Grenoble
I'm voting for STEAMPUNK !!! More seriously, I have never played a PC in a steampunk world. (In fact, I've already done it... But it was the Steampunk the most magical I've ever seen, because the DM uses to mix fantasy with a lot of different period (in a lot of different storys...). The person concerned will recognize herself... :sifflote: )

There is just a little bug problem with your leveling system... My PC will never be able to level up... :shock: It will eternally stay at level 1 until the end of his life, which will arrive quickly if he cross just a little goblin (In a steampunk univers, yes, I know... It's inconsistent (Does incoherent work in this situation ?))... By the way, it's just a joke, but I don't really know if I am able to lark in english...

I prefer warm you immediatly, I have the worse english accent you have ever heard (yes, it's possible...). And I have an english level just a little bit better than the other teenagers of my age in France, as much to say it will by awful for your ears... So thank you to say me that (it mustn't be english at all...) if I make (do ?) english mistakes (spelling mikstakes or not). :D

Citer :
By the time we are level 20, we will have improved our respective language skills by 19 goals.
20-1=19... Yeepee ! I can calculate in english !

So, btw, do you want to speak about that with Ewy in PM (private messages ?), or to continue to talk in this topic (Yes, I know, I have write "I will te send un message when I will savoir if my bac de French will avoir lieu. Finalement, l'option franglais..." yesterday, never mind...) ?

Good night (even if when you will read this message, you will have woken up) !
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 28 Mai 2020, 23:49 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Avr 2020
Message(s) : 985
Localisation : Grenoble
Hey Jram, I have seen this video today, and I think a mathematik teacher can appreciate it :
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 29 Mai 2020, 04:26 
Hors-ligne Administrateur
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 33354
Localisation : Limousin
wow !
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 29 Mai 2020, 16:18 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Bonjour Titou ! J'ai des corrections pour toi, et mes réponses sont éparpilles dedans...

► Afficher spoiler
Titou a écrit :
I'm voting for STEAMPUNK !!! More seriously, I have never played a PC in a steampunk world. (In fact, I've already done it... But it was the most magical Steampunk the most magical I've ever seen, because the DM uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different periods (in a lot of different storysstories...). The person concerned will recognize herself... :sifflote: )

There is just a little bug problemwith your leveling system... My PC will never be able to level up... :shock: ItHe will eternally stay at level 1 until the end of his life, which will arrive quickly if he crosses just a little goblin (In a steampunk universe, yes, I know... It's inconsistent (Does incoherent work in this situation Not really, "inconsistent" is perfect because a steampunk universe doesn't usually contain goblins (but now I want to play a Steampunk Goblin PC); with "incoherent", there's a stronger negative connotation that would suggest that, artistically, it is a mess. "The witnesses' stories were inconsistent: one said the murderer had brown hair, and one said he had blond hair." "The witnesses' stories were incoherent: one said the murderer was Santa Claus wearing a bird's nest as a hat, and the other said the murderer was Rasputin's ghost." ?))... By the way, it's just a joke, but I don't really know if I am able to lark in english joke around in English (one of the differences is that, in English, any proper noun is capitalized in the same way as you capitalize people's names. Days of the week, months, languages, even proper adjectives (I'm Canadian, not canadian... just trust your spellchecker, and the red ants.)
... as for lark, you are much too young to use this word to mean joke :D I recommend using "joke around" as a way to practice your phrasal verbs. Using phrasal verbs well will really distinguish you from other non-native speakers of English, particularly those from France, as you don't have phrasal verbs in French. Phrasal verbs are verbs that change their meaning when you add an adverb, like this:

Come on (hurry up!)
Come out (go outside, especially to a party; OR - to finally tell everyone you're gay (come out of the closet)
Come over (come to my house for a visit)
Come close ("Goblins in a steampunk world? Yawn! That doesn't even come close to being interesting!
Come around (change your opinion after a while: "My mom hated my girlfriend when I first brought her home, but she came around by the wedding" (My mom didn't like her, but she liked her by the time we got married) here's a great resource.

I prefer warm you immediately immediatly, I have the worse englishworst English accent you have ever heard (yes, it's possible...No it's not. I lived in Taiwan for 5 years. One time, in an elevator, there were two twin boys, about 5 years old. One pulled on their dad's pant leg and indicated me, saying (in Chinese) "Daddy, an American." I replied, with a ridiculously stern Chinese phrasing "I am most certainly NOT American" To which the two tiny boys replied "Whaaaaaaa... Fuck Fuck Fuck! "Fuck" shi Yingwen de Chazi"is English for fork"" ). And I have an English level just a little bit better than the other teenagers of my age in France, as much to say it will be awful for your ears... So thank you to say me that (it mustn't be english at all...) if I make (do ?) english mistakes (spelling mikstakes or not). So thank you in advance for any corrections you give me for any mistakes that I make (spelling mistakes or otherwise).:D

Citer :
By the time we are level 20, we will have improved our respective language skills by 19 goals.
20-1=19... Yeepee ! I can calculate in english !

So, btw, do you want to speak about that with Ewy in PM (private messages ?), or to continue to talk in this topic (Yes, I know, I have write "I will te send un message when I will savoir if my bac de French will avoir lieu. Finalement, l'option franglais..." yesterday, never mind...) ?

Good night (even if when you will read this message, you will have woken up) Actually, it took me a whole day to reply to you, as I had a wild day yesterday with my kids, then my wife wanted to watch The Lighthouse, which is a fantastic movie, A+, definitely recommended. !
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 29 Mai 2020, 23:45 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Avr 2020
Message(s) : 985
Localisation : Grenoble
I have a good news : I won't have my French exam, so I will play with you. :D

JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different periods
In English, can't we use the expression "use to + verb" with the present ?

JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different here's a great resource. ...
Than you for the link. :D

JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses "Daddy, an American." I replied, with a ridiculously stern Chinese phrasing "I am most certainly NOT American" To which the two tiny boys replied "Whaaaaaaa... Fuck Fuck Fuck! "Fuck" shi Yingwen de Chazi"is English for fork"" ).
So, what is the name of your continent's inhabitants ?
I haven't understood what he want to say with the fork...
It's a fork isn't it ?Image
It's because you heard "fuck" when he said "fork" ?

Citer :
Actually, it took me a whole day to reply to you, as I had a wild day yesterday with my kids, then my wife wanted to watch The Lighthouse, which is a fantastic movie, A+, definitely recommended. !
You would just haven't had children... :oups:

What does "A+" means ? Is it like 20/20 ?
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 30 Mai 2020, 01:04 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Titou a écrit :
I have a good news : I won't have my French exam, so I will play with you. :D

Citer :
JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different periods
In English, can't we use the expression "use to + verb" with the present ?
Yep, but my way is the correct way to do this :D

"She used makeup today, which is why we can't recognize her."

JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different here's a great resource. ...
Thank you for the link. :D
You're welcome!

JRam144 a écrit :
because the DM uses "Daddy, an American." I replied, with a ridiculously stern Chinese phrasing "I am most certainly NOT American" To which the two tiny boys replied "Whaaaaaaa... Fuck Fuck Fuck! "Fuck" shi Yingwen de Chazi"is English for fork"" ).
So, what is the name of your continent's inhabitants ? « Yeah, we're North Americans, but that only really applies to Mexicans, Americans and Canadians, so we don't think of having a continental identity as much as say Europeans... I think of myself as Canadian, but North American to an extent... »

I haven't understood what he want to say with the fork...
It's a fork isn't it ?Image
It's because you heard "fuck" when he said "fork" ?

« Yeah, but the Taiwanese have problems with the sound "r"... Nowadays my son (he's 2) loves trucks, but toddlers can't do a "t" sound, so they say "Fuck" also. »

Citer :
Actually, it took me a whole day to reply to you, as I had a wild day yesterday with my kids, then my wife wanted to watch The Lighthouse, which is a fantastic movie, A+, definitely recommended. !
You would just haven't had children... :oups:
No one MADE you have children, you know. <-- you mean something like this?

What does "A+" means ? Is it like 20/20 ?[/quote]
Yes, just like that. We used to get our school grades as A+ (90%+) A, B (70s), C (60s), D (50s) and F (Failure. <50%)

Let's continue our chat over MP.
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 30 Mai 2020, 22:45 
Hors-ligne Fine plume

Inscription : Nov 2013
Message(s) : 6478
Localisation : Strasbourg/Alsace
I read your idea for a campaign and I was thinking that it could be interesting to play diplomats.

Maybe the commoners could have gone really tired of this neverending war and forced their leaders to try to find a peaceful way to end this conflict.

This way you could play some people being shown the greatness of the "ennemy" country and can talk about every subject you want.

It's just a quick thought.

Anyway I find your step (I hope it's correct) really cool and I hope you'll manage to improve your french.

Dont' hesitate to correct me : my school days are waaaaay behind me. :mrgreen:
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2020, 02:19 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Coucou Goku,

Les diplomates sont une excellente idée. Moi j'ai pensé au une sorte du "Rebel Alliance" des gens qui veulent déstabiliser le guerre perpétuel avec des actions... des actions que l'État qualifierait de terrorisme.

Je pense aussi que "tu es dans la territoire du l'ennemi, et tu devrais apprendre comment se présenter avec un belle accent pour avancer l'histoire et passer au niveau 2." ... Ce genre des "aventures" sont assez complexe pour les débutants.

So, let's talk corrections for you!

Uh, you have to be kidding, this is near perfect!

Enemy has only one n
"My step" I'm not sure what you mean by step, so we could refine that word choice. I think you mean "plan".

Finally, in English, punctuation always hugs the word it follows, that is to say that exclamation marks, question marks, colons, all behave the way commas do in French.

Quick question: do semicolons have a space before them?

Je suis épais ; je suis lourd.

Like that?
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2020, 04:59 
Hors-ligne Administrateur
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 33354
Localisation : Limousin
In french, all "double" marks have space before and after: semicolons ;, colon :, exclamation mark ! & question mark ?
while "simple" marks have only one space after but none before: comma ,, full stop .

Special for - : the dash have space before and after, the hyphen have NO space at all.
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2020, 12:33 
Hors-ligne Fine plume

Inscription : Nov 2013
Message(s) : 6478
Localisation : Strasbourg/Alsace
Souricette a écrit :
Special for - : the dash have space before and after, the hyphen have only one space after.

Euh autant je suis d'accord pour le tiret autant pour le trait d'union j'émets un doute.

JRam144 a écrit :
So, let's talk corrections for you!

Uh, you have to be kidding, this is near perfect!

Enemy has only one n
"My step" I'm not sure what you mean by step, so we could refine that word choice. I think you mean "plan".

Finally, in English, punctuation always hugs the word it follows, that is to say that exclamation marks, question marks, colons, all behave the way commas do in French.

I wrote it in frenglish. :mrgreen: I ended it correctly but I used the start of the french word which is "ennemi".

In french the word I was looking for was "démarche". I should have said something like : "I like your idea to try to perfect your french by doing roleplay. It's less academic but, in my opinion, way more fun to learn this way".

And also I wish you luck. French is a beautiful language but it can be really hard to learn. And all that is without speaking of accents and regional terms. :mrgreen:

To add to Souricette explanation I'll say that quotation marks are written like that in french « » and include a space before and after them. Also the final ponctuation of the sentence within quotation marks is before the »

Exemple : Il demanda : « Quelle heure est-il ? »

And I forgot that in english punctuation hugs the word. I'll remember it next time.
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2020, 12:47 
Hors-ligne Administrateur
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 33354
Localisation : Limousin
Corrigé !
Souricette a écrit :
Special for - : the dash have space before and after, the hyphen have NO space at all.
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2020, 14:03 
Hors-ligne Paladin
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Inscription : Fév 2020
Message(s) : 2596
Localisation : Canada
Goku82 a écrit :
To add to Souricette explanation I'll say that quotation marks are written like that in french « » and include a space before and after them. Also the final ponctuation of the sentence within quotation marks is before the »

Exemple : Il demanda : « Quelle heure est-il ? »

Gotcha. When I write in MSWord, this is automatic (when I type "" it comes out as «  ») but I don't know the keyboard shortcuts to write these marks, so I use copy paste, or get lazy.

Thank you for the wishes of good luck, we will start our game this week, set in the Forgotten Realms (anything to reduce workload and increase the focus on language).

Also, don't forget to capitalize proper nouns in English, like "English." Actually, a word like English / english or earth / Earth are called "capitonyms": words that change meaning if they are capitalized or written in lowercase.

earth = dirt
Earth = the name of this planet

english = spin applied to a billiard ball
English = this language I use
 Sujet du message : Re: Échange Linguistique
Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2020, 16:45 
Hors-ligne Maître du jeu
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Inscription : Oct 2013
Message(s) : 2253
JRam144 a écrit :
Voulez-vous apprendre l'anglais ? :yes: Vous souhaitez faire un échange linguistique ? :yes: Fantastique!

Pour les gens qui ne me connaissent pas, je suis un anglophone qui est ici pour pratiquer le français tout en s'amusant avec le jeu de rôle.
J'en prends bonne note et je garde ça sous le coude. Si ça peut m'éviter de déranger trop souvent une voisine prof d'anglais à la retraite avec mes bouquins de JDR en VO sous le bras. :mrgreen:

Souricette a écrit :
In french, all "double" marks have space before and after: semicolons ;, colon :, exclamation mark ! & question mark ?
while "simple" marks have only one space after but none before: comma ,, full stop .

Special for - : the dash have space before and after, the hyphen have NO space at all.
Je confirme (après correction de Goku82). :sage:

JRam144 a écrit :
earth = dirt
Earth = the name of this planet

english = spin applied to a billiard ball
English = this language I use
Est-ce que cela veut dire du coup qu'on peut dire : « Currently the Earth is earth ? » ? Cela se dit ? La formulation est juste ? :chut:
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