I'm voting for STEAMPUNK !!! More seriously, I have never played a PC in a steampunk world. (In fact, I've already done it... But it was the
most magical Steampunk
the most magical I've ever seen, because the DM
uses used to mix fantasy with a lot of different period
s (in a lot of different
storysstories...). The person concerned will recognize herself...

There is just a little bug
problemwith your leveling system... My PC will never be able to level up...
ItHe will eternally stay at level 1 until the end of his life, which will arrive quickly if he cross
es just a little goblin (In a steampunk univers
e, yes, I know... It's inconsistent (Does incoherent work in this situation
Not really, "inconsistent" is perfect because a steampunk universe doesn't usually contain goblins (but now I want to play a Steampunk Goblin PC); with "incoherent", there's a stronger negative connotation that would suggest that, artistically, it is a mess. "The witnesses' stories were inconsistent: one said the murderer had brown hair, and one said he had blond hair." "The witnesses' stories were incoherent: one said the murderer was Santa Claus wearing a bird's nest as a hat, and the other said the murderer was Rasputin's ghost." ?))... By the way, it's just a joke, but I don't really know if I am able to
lark in english joke around in English (one of the differences is that, in English, any proper noun is capitalized in the same way as you capitalize people's names. Days of the week, months, languages, even proper adjectives (I'm Canadian, not canadian... just trust your spellchecker, and the red ants.)
... as for lark, you are much too young to use this word to mean joke
I recommend using "joke around" as a way to practice your phrasal verbs. Using phrasal verbs well will really distinguish you from other non-native speakers of English, particularly those from France, as you don't have phrasal verbs in French. Phrasal verbs are verbs that change their meaning when you add an adverb, like this:
Come on (hurry up!)
Come out (go outside, especially to a party; OR - to finally tell everyone you're gay (come out of the closet)
Come over (come to my house for a visit)
Come close ("Goblins in a steampunk world? Yawn! That doesn't even come close to being interesting!
Come around (change your opinion after a while: "My mom hated my girlfriend when I first brought her home, but she came around by the wedding" (My mom didn't like her, but she liked her by the time we got married)
http://esl.fis.edu/vocab/phrasal/phrasal-important.htm here's a great resource. ...
I prefer warm you
immediately immediatly, I have the
worse englishworst English accent you have ever heard (yes, it's possible...
No it's not. I lived in Taiwan for 5 years. One time, in an elevator, there were two twin boys, about 5 years old. One pulled on their dad's pant leg and indicated me, saying (in Chinese) "Daddy, an American." I replied, with a ridiculously stern Chinese phrasing "I am most certainly NOT American" To which the two tiny boys replied "Whaaaaaaa... Fuck Fuck Fuck! "Fuck" shi Yingwen de Chazi"is English for fork"" ). And I have an
English level just a little bit better than the other teenagers of my age in France, as much to say it will
be awful for your ears...
So thank you to say me that (it mustn't be english at all...) if I make (do ?) english mistakes (spelling mikstakes or not). So thank you in advance for any corrections you give me for any mistakes that I make (spelling mistakes or otherwise).:D
Citer :
By the time we are level 20, we will have improved our respective language skills by 19 goals.
20-1=19... Yeepee ! I can calculate in english !
So, btw, do you want to speak about that with Ewy in PM (private messages ?), or to continue to talk in this topic (Yes, I know, I have write "I will te send un message when I will savoir if my bac de French will avoir lieu. Finalement, l'option franglais..." yesterday, never mind...) ?
Good night (even if when you will read this message, you will have woken up)
Actually, it took me a whole day to reply to you, as I had a wild day yesterday with my kids, then my wife wanted to watch The Lighthouse, which is a fantastic movie, A+, definitely recommended. !